By Devin Hunter
Foreword by Juliet Diaz
Paperback. 320 pages.
Signed by the author
No plant is ever just a houseplant. Whether you are a Green Witch or merely horti-curious, you can learn how to successfully grow plants in your home, connect with their energies, and partner with them for magic.
Houseplant HortOCCULTure guides you every step of the way with Devin Hunter’s botanical and magical wisdom. Explore practical tips on substrates, pests, watering, and other elements of plant care alongside advice for infusing magic into every act. Learn how to help your monstera, fern, pothos, and other indoor flora thrive by drawing sigils on your grow lights, pushing energy into the soil, and putting crystals in your watering can. With profiles of more than 160 easy-to-grow, easy-to-find plants and their magical correspondences—and inspired by Siolo Thompson’s enchanting illustrations—you can start confidently raising and working with your own magical allies.

The Whorling Planchette

Sigil Service by Storm Faerywolf

36 Ghosties