Fireworks Of Love
For Passion & Romance
1/2 oz
Contains a proprietary blend of herbs and oils.
Stimulates excitement in an existing relationship, or inspires a new affair. Arouses acts of romance, or lust, depending on what you want from your lover(s).
Crafted by experienced Rootworkers, the ingredients giving it that firecracker kick are our secret, however you may recognize several of the notes, such as sandalwood, neroli, and rose, all of which have a history of magical use for love. A little shake of the bottle will display this potion's floral and mineral contents, including petals of rose and other colorful buds, the spirits of which have been invoked for the purpose of arousing great love.
Modern Conjure products are formulated to assist with the spiritual work you do to achieve your needs and desires. These recipes partner you with the powerful heritage of time-honored tradition, engaging you in the rich and mystical culture of folk magic. Our remedies provide a means to work with your wishes in a tactile manner, engaging your senses with exotic ingredients and stimulating scents. Use them to amplify your prayers, and to invite enchantment into your life. The names and magical associations of these products are part of a long-standing tradition of North American folk magic, and have been crafted using time honored ingredients and methods.
In keeping with tradition, we say that all Modern Conjure products are sold as curios only.

The Whorling Planchette

Sigil Service by Storm Faerywolf

36 Ghosties